Apr 22, 2020

Passing FetchXml to Xrm.WebApi

Previously we explained how to do basic operations using Xrm.WebApi. Please refer this for relevant post.

What we didn't mention there is passing of FetchXml. Pass a FetchXml to retrive a specific set of records is a very useful operation. Lets check below scenario.

In this fictitious system, we have custom entity called Office that is associated to Account and contains two custom fields called Territory and Type. While we are in Account, suppose we need to select all the associate offices where Territory is Asia-Pacific and Type is Regional. So, this is pretty realistic requirement. If we try to do only with basic operations, it may be complex and would require many server-calls which is not ideal.

This is a scenario that easily achieved with FetchXml. You can easily download the FetchXml through Advanced Find as shown below;

Find below code snippet to understand how we pass this to WebApi;

And this online tool help you with converting your FetchXml to a string that could be used in Java Script: https://www.ashishvishwakarma.com/FetchXmlFormatter/

function onAccountLoad(executionContext) {

    formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
    var accountId = formContext.data.entity.getId();

    var fetchXML = new String();
    fetchXML += "<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>";
    fetchXML += "    <entity name='su_office'>";
    fetchXML += "        <attribute name='su_officeid' />";
    fetchXML += "        <attribute name='su_name' />";
    fetchXML += "        <attribute name='createdon' />";
    fetchXML += "        <order attribute='su_name' descending='false' />";
    fetchXML += "        <filter type='and'>";
    fetchXML += "           <condition attribute='su_mainaccountid' operator='eq' value='" + accountId + "' />";
    fetchXML += "            <condition attribute='su_territoryid' operator='eq' value='{A25642F7-61EF-E411-80EB-C4346BACE124}' />";
    fetchXML += "            <condition attribute='su_type' operator='eq' value='100000001' />";
    fetchXML += "        </filter>";
    fetchXML += "    </entity>";
    fetchXML += "</fetch>";

    Xrm.WebApi.online.retrieveMultipleRecords("su_office", "?fetchXml=" + encodeURIComponent(fetchXML)).then(
        function success(result) {
            var eligibleOffices = result.entities;
            if (eligibleOffices != null && eligibleOffices.length > 0) {

                for (i = 0; i < eligibleOffices.length; i++) {
                    // Do the logic
        function (error) {

Hope this is helpful.