Considered example, we have a primary key called Id and Account Number is the field we are concentrating on.
Though this code is a loop, this works quickly since loop goes only for records with duplicates.
DECLARE @AccountNumber uniqueidentifier DECLARE @ID VARCHAR(50) DECLARE _cursor1 CURSOR for SELECT A1.AccountNumber FROM Tbl_Account as A1 WHERE A1.AccountNumber is not null GROUP BY A1.AccountNumber HAVING (SELECT COUNT(A2.AccountNumber) FROM Tbl_Account A2 WHERE A2.AccountNumber = A1.AccountNumber)>1 OPEN _cursor1 FETCH NEXT FROM _cursor1 INTO @AccountNumber WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN SET @ID = NULL SELECT TOP 1 @ID = Id FROM Tbl_Account WHERE AccountNumber = @AccountNumber ORDER BY [ModifiedOn] DESC DELETE FROM Tbl_Account WHERE AccountNumber = @AccountNumber AND Id <> @ID FETCH NEXT FROM _cursor1 INTO @AccountNumber END CLOSE _cursor1 DEALLOCATE _cursor1