<?xml version="1.0"?> <Configuration xmlns="http://www.abc.com.au"> <Appsetting Name="httpServer">abc:5555</Appsetting> <Appsetting Name="OrgName">abcLtd</Appsetting> <Appsetting Name="PriceAccessCode">NUOD66701</Appsetting> </Configuration>
This is the JavaScript method which could be used to access those.
readConfigFileSettings = function (_url, _reqTag) { var objXML = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); objXML.async = false; objXML.load(_url); if (objXML.parseError.errorCode != 0) { alert("Error reading file : " + objXML.parseError.reason); return null; } var config = objXML.selectSingleNode("//Configuration"); var _retrunStr = ''; for (var i = 0; i < config.childNodes.length; i++) { if (config.childNodes[i].attributes[0].nodeTypedValue == _reqTag) { _retrunStr = config.childNodes[i].nodeTypedValue; } } if (_retrunStr == '') { _retrunStr = reqTag + ' cannot be found in config file'; } return _retrunStr; }
_Url parameter is to give the path of the configuration file (example 'C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\AbcAndCompany\\abcAdmin.config';) and _reqTag is the required tag (example: httpServer, OrgName or PriceAccessCode)