Aug 30, 2023

Show/ Hide Ribbon button based on a Security role

This is a frequently asked requirement in Model driven apps. Obviously you need to use Ribbon Workbench (of Xrm Tool Box). Lets see how we achieve it.

Any button command has Display Rules and Enable Rules. Here we enhance the Enable Rule to achieve this. Actually, we write the logic in a JavaScript to match the security role by Id with logged in users security roles and return True/ false accordingly.

Suppose our JS name is AccountRibbon.js and below is the method I implement. Hope its self-explanatory. 

function IsAutherizationRoleIncluded(execCtx) {

    var currentUserRoles = execCtx._globalContext._userSettings.securityRoles;
    var roleId = "92D1FC2B-8A22-ED11-9DB1-00224818AFAC"; // Id of the role
    roleId = roleId.toLowerCase();
    // Get all the roles of the Logged in User.

    for (var i = 0; i < currentUserRoles.length; i++) {
        var userRoleId = currentUserRoles[i];
        if (userRoleId == roleId) {
            console.log("Role Found");
            return true;
    console.log("Role NOT Found");
    return false;

Now we need to associate this method to Ribbon Button as a Custom Rule as below;

Now button will be shown/ hidden based on availability of the security rule.